Canadian Pizza Magazine

IFF launches CHOOZIT FIT cultures for mozzarella makers

By Canadian Pizza   

Products In the Kitchen Ingredients

Image courtesy IFF

IFF has launched CHOOZIT FIT, a culture series for pasta filata cheese makers in Brazil.

CHOOZIT FIT is a phage-robust culture series that allows medium-sized cheese producers to create high-quality, stretchable mozzarella with a extremely robust and consistent quality.

Mozzarella, found on around 80 per cent of the world’s pizzas, is the top-selling type of cheese in Brazil, enjoyed by pizza lovers for its characteristic stretch and meltability. Increasingly, consumers are looking for affordable pizzas with consistent cheese quality, and cheese makers who deliver delicious, reliable mozzarella are in demand.

Medium-sized pizza cheese makers have long struggled to produce consistent, quality mozzarella due to challenges in the production process, including inconsistent vat-to-vat performance, a slow fermentation process and excessive moisture loss. The CHOOZIT FIT series provides cheese makers with control over the fermentation process, uniform vat-to-vat quality, and optimum yield – all with maximum cost efficiency and an improved cheese quality.


There are four biodiverse rotations designed to overcome the risk of fermentation delays due to challenging phage issues at the plant. The cultures are designed to provide fast and consistent acidification that gives mozzarella optimal stretchability and melting properties with reduced moisture loss.

The CHOOZIT FIT series is available internationally by contacting the company’s regional sales offices for more information:

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