Canadian Pizza Magazine

High school prodigies compete at George Brown’s Chefs in the City

By CNW   


Feb. 23, 2009, Toronto – On Tuesday, Feb. 24, George Brown
College's Chef School will be hosting its eighth annual Chefs in the City competition,
the College's signature culinary event featuring the province's high school
culinary prodigies.

Individual students and school teams from across Ontario
will be competing in a variety of cooking and baking competitions, including
the Egg Farmers on Ontario "Whiz Kids" Competition; the Knorr
"Ready, Set, Cook" Competition; and the Canada Bread Foodservice "Ready,
Set, Bake" Competition. Scholarships to study at the College's famous Chef
School are available to those who come out on top in the listed contests.

The competitions will be judged by George Brown Chef School
faculty and well known television celebrities David Rocco and Licensed to
Grill's Rob Rainford. For more information, visit .


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